Tugas Kuliah yg dikumpulkan saat Ujian

Posted by ayu aditi - -

Sekalian aja jangan aada ujiannya bu ^^d wkwkwkwk. Berikut cuplikan tgs english yg bakal dikumpul esok hari. Temanya daily activity --''

Gusti ayu Krishna devi
Now ,i want to tell you ,about my activity in one day. I think, i  still need to fill the day with something productive in order to keep the natives from getting ridiculously restless and out of line. for example study ,fun with all of my friend.
 yeah,,usually I am wake up at 5'o clock in the morning. n then , im clean away my rooms,,,then i go to bath rooms to take a bath ann then me and my family allways  prayed together. After prayed , i'm prepared my self to go to campus and before it, i allways have my breakfest with some rice , vegetables n milk. i really like milk especially chocolate. and then goes to campus. i need 1 untill 2 hour to campus because my homes  so far from campus.
 of course, in campus, i get study and i'm happy because i can get the new knowledge  anything espesially the lesson that focus to  my majors. My majors is electrical enggineering, after study, usually me and my friend ,together go to somewhere to refresh my soul, for example to the padang2 beach, dreamland and galeria bali mall etc. and then time to go back to my homes. after it, i have go to my lovely home. The journey to my lovely  felt so tiring. 
            at my home, because i felt  so tired, i get take a rest just for a moment, n then take a bath, in the evening,i have dinner with my lovely family .it is the moment that i very like, and then ,i must get study to finish my project . yeah, there's no spesial in my activity. but i'm happy , why? because i have my family n friend which allways make me strong and then allways give me support to through the day.  

2 Responses so far.

  1. What an ordinary daily activity. Nothing's special?
    Ahaha, you must try another activities like sing together with your family like my family always do ^_^
    Hahaha,it's just a suggestion, to make your day colorful, may be good to be writr in your task actually, so you can write more ^_^

  2. ayu aditi says:

    biasanya juga kan kita nyanyi bareng mbok :o
    yang kemaren gimana tuh
    gak jd nyanyi lagunya taylor
    keasikan dandan prepare jalan2 sih :p

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